+91 98304-64566 atnmediicaree@gmail.com

Why Count On Us

Dedicated Case Manager

Let go of your worries! ATN Mediicaree is the one stop solution for medical tourists, which is sure to bring you the peace of your mind. Our dedicated case managers will take care of all your needs once they get to know of your request for medical help. We know foreign travels can be worrying most of the times. So we are here to lend our hand of faith, trust, transparency and hospitality to all our across-the-border clienteles.

Need Any Other Support? Don’t Worry We are There!

ATN Mediicaree is best known for helping the medical tourists with activities like buying a local sim, exchanging currencies and other small time activities that require knowledge of the local demography. For us, we want to make our medical tourist’s stay as comfortable as to make them feel at home. With us beside you, you can always remain confident that you are never alone.

100% Transparency

ATN Mediicaree
 is widely reputed for its transparency. All your bills will be provided with each and every detail of the service that has been provided during your stay. At ATN Mediicaree medical, clinical, pharmaceutical bills are produced in original to the clients, so that you can never feel that you have been duped. ATN Mediicaree has always given priority to honesty and upright business sense that has paved the path of its unmatched glory.

Chat Support

At every step our online chat support is one of the most salient feature to help you and keep you updated with information pertaining to your travel and medical needs. Our tele-executives are ever ready to answer all your queries, even the simplest question that may arise in your mind.

Book Your Appointment Now


What You Need to Know About Your Appointment


A list of your medicines


Family Medical History


Your Medical History